
Why Pushna?

The healing journey on how we arrived here…

The question of “what does Pushna even mean” is asked often. So here is the skinny on the name and the journey to get here.

Jess’ (Pushna Founder) nickname from many had been Sunshine. She loved that concept of being peoples sunshine in a gloomy place so much, that she wanted to incorporate it into her wellness business. Research and some time later, she found an article that talked about Sunshine in various months of the year in Sanskrit, Pushna, is Sunshine in the Virgo month (her birth month). The meaning even more than the name stuck out as it was defined as Nourisher, Healer and destroyer of illness. There it was! Perfection. Jess loves the outdoors, especially being near the water and trees – welcome the logo with the sunset over water in the shape of Vrksasana (tree pose) and the sun as heart center. Overall wellness is at the center of why we do anything in the fitness/healing realm. Pushna Wellness was born.

The Healing Journey that led to what Pushna is today:

Jess has had a continually expanding desire to learn more about fitness and overall mental and physical wellness. Years ago, she didn’t imagine life would include a passion for stillness, breath, and the movement of yoga and fitness. First introduced to yoga in a combined spin and yoga class, she actually found the yoga uncomfortably slow! At the time, it definitely did NOT feel like her type of workout. However, she was committed to seeing this new class through. Fast forward months later, right in the middle of a hip opener – frog pose to be exact – something changed her forever. The focus, stillness, and oneness felt with body and the Universe – unlocked something beautiful and new within her – and she wept. It nourished the part of her soul that craved peace, clarity and calm within a busy, determined life.

Since grade-school Jess struggled with an ongoing feeling of being overweight and constant ridicule from classmates. It turned her to obsessing with her weight and food consumption. Bulimia and obsessive mindset to workout was the route she took in order to gain control of that, and her tumultuous life. Being a victim of not only bullying but sexual abuse and losing a parent at an early age, led to many behaviors that people do not take the time to understand, just ridicule. Had she been introduced to the vast non-pharmaceutical healing modalities earlier on, maybe it would have saved her much pain. However, with the pain came the journey to discovering all of Pushna Wellness’ healing services and classes. From Reiki to yoga to boxing even massage and sauna time, gave her the outlet to detox and release the negative energies that come from experiences that take away from allowing so many of us to develop and feel loved.

In 2019, Jess – owner/founder/RYT 200 certified, took a leap of faith and opened Pushna Wellness in the pink house inside Canterbury Village offering a variety of yoga classes and private yoga sessions. During this time she completed another 200 hours of Yoga Medics training – giving her additional in depth understanding to help treat those with injuries, PTSD, trauma and various other ailments. She has helped versatile clients and created classes for veterans, athletes, business professionals, people with injuries, seniors and children. She truly believes there is beauty in learning to be still and calming a busy mind, all while opening the body, mind, and heart in a way that helps us cope with pain.

While her personal healing, fitness and yoga journey continues to evolve – so does Pushna Wellness. In 2021, Pushna relocated to its current location, soon to expand her fitness studio in early 2022. Jess loves the mindfulness of yoga as much as she loves the thrill of boxing, spin, interval and weight training. Emotionally and mentally the reiki and massage continue to accentuate the healing journey. Most of us need variety to keep things exciting and fresh on the path to lifelong wellness. Which is why we continue to expand our offerings. She is thrilled to now offer spin, boxing and sauna access for fitness, as well as massage, reiki, life coaching and sound healing services for an array of additional healing options. She wants Pushna Wellness to be a place where you can find what you need to be whole on any given day, in a like minded community. Each class you attend will be different because each day WE are different. We strive to keep in mind that the end goal is to find peace and stillness within, while we connect with our body. And some days, we need to just sweat it all out and LET IT GO!

4 thoughts on “Why Pushna?

  1. Thank you for sharing your story! That takes a lot of courage. We can all feel the positivity and care you’ve put into building Pushna. Each class calms my mind and helps me overcome my own history of trauma. Thanks for everything you do for all of us!

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